Several years ago, a friend asked me why I believe in God. My reply was something along the lines of having an appreciation for his love and patience for me, despite my many failings. In return, I asked her why she didn’t believe in God, to which she replied, “Well, I have a great job, I’m financially well off, and I own my own house; so, I don’t really need God for anything.”
I respected her answer, and to some extent understood where she was coming from. After-all, she has the things many of us yearn for – a great job, financial independence, homeowner, and all in all, a great life.
But, despite how wonderful it is to be financially secure and able to travel whenever and to wherever one wants, is it enough? Does it lead to the joy, peace, fulfilment, and happiness we all crave for?
In 2016, Kathy Caprino, writing for Forbes Magazine at the time, carried out a survey of ‘The Top 8 Things People Desperately Desire But Can’t Seem to Attain’.
Number one was Happiness, number 2 was Money, 3 was Freedom, 4 was Peace, and 5 was Joy.
With regard to Happiness, she wrote:
‘The number one mentioned missing element – Happiness – has become so hard to achieve, and even harder to maintain. In my work with professional women, I’ve seen that happiness continually escapes them because, first, they don’t understand exactly what will make them happy. They just don’t know themselves well at all. Secondly, they search outside themselves for happiness – in a job, a husband, a family, a title, a paycheck, a fancy house. As a result, happiness is constantly out of their control and a perpetual moving target that never stands still long enough for them to grasp.’
The case is definitely the same for men. Indeed, probably even more so. For a number of years, I habitually sought solutions from outside, as against within. Only recently have I begun to understand what Jesus meant when he said, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life.’ – John 14 vs 6
Let’s break this down.
The Truth
The greatest truth of all is who Jesus is and what he has already done for us. Jesus is the son of God, who died for us, ‘so that we might have life, and have it more abundantly’ – John 10 vs 10. But he wasn’t referring to money. He was referring to love, internal joy, peace, and good health and well-being.
The Life
Jesus is Love, Humility, Simplicity, and Freedom all rolled into one. By accepting him as your Lord and saviour, you not only allow him to fill you with who is, but also enable him to start revealing who you truly are – what makes you happy, what makes you tick, what will give you that sense of purpose and fulfilment. The route to your happiness lies in who Jesus is and who he created you to be.
In an age of all manner of distractions and confusion that social media creates, it has never been more important to know who we truly are.
The Way
The way of Jesus is very simple – Love.
You do not need to concern yourself with what you did in your past, or even what you’re doing in the present. For Jesus says, ‘whoever comes to me I will never cast out’ – John 6 vs 37. He will not judge or look down on you in any way whatsoever. His focus is not on your lifestyle or present circumstances. All that matters to him is how much he loves you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are perfect, beloved, and so very special.
Finally, do not be put off by so-called religious laws and regulations. Jesus came down to earth and died on the cross, in order to remove all religious laws, doctrines, and regulations once and for all.
‘Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law…’
Galatians 3 vs 13
Christianity has nothing to do with dos and don’ts. It is centred on one thing alone – Jesus’ love for you.