‘Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!’
Romans 5 vs 9
Some weeks back, I got up early on a Monday morning to spend some time in praise and worship. It’s something I often do on Monday mornings, as I tend to start work later in the day. As usual, I was hyped up for a session of exultation and reverence. But after some minutes of singing and declaring his praises, his kind and gentle voice cut me short, saying, “I’m not interested in you telling me how powerful and magnificent I am. Praise me for my love for you. I am love, and that is all I want you to focus on.”
To say I was a little shocked is an understatement. I had always believed that praising and worshipping God is akin to a respectful medley of reverence and awe; a bowing down to his majesty, so to speak. Focusing only on his love during worship is something that had never crossed my mind. But that morning’s worship was nothing short of life changing. I felt closer and freer with God than I ever had. It was as though a barrier had been removed. I no longer felt the need to impress him or earn his favour. Rather, my heart melted with joy as I felt the presence of his amazing love.
Later that day, I began to realise that most of the time I had praised or worshipped God for his infinite power and glory in the past, I had done so as a result of wanting to earn some credits from him, so to speak. But why try to earn what is already mine? Jesus has already earned me all the credits / favour; and so much more than I could possibly imagine. You and I do not need to earn any favour from God, because Jesus has already secured it and so much more for us.
I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that for most of the time, many of us are subconsciously worried that God is not happy or satisfied with us for some reason; that we are not doing enough, or that he is angry with us as a result of an old or recent misdemeanour.
Jesus took the punishment for all our sins, whether big or small, on the cross; and all means All – past, present and future. Every single one of God’s frowns or displeasures with regards to our mistakes or failings was placed on Jesus Christ. There is nothing else for you or I to do. We are eternally in God’s good books, and He is forever pleased with us because we are in Christ. When he looks at you, he sees not your faults, but only his son. He can never ever be angry with you. In fact, it is impossible for him to be angry with you.
When next you spend time in praise and worship, focus on his wondrous, amazing, and perfect love for you. Fix your gaze on who he is – Love, Patience, Tolerance, Mercy, and Compassion.