‘Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.’
John 15 vs 4
A couple of years ago, I sought the Lord in prayer over and over again, asking him to give me a breakthrough with my writing. I knew I was a good writer and was told as much by numerous individuals on a weekly basis, but that breakthrough publishing deal remained elusive. I was tired, desperate, and periodically down about it.
‘Lord, please give me a breakthrough with my writing,’ I would plead, yearning for great recognition and success. But his answer was the same every time – ‘Focus on teaching my children. Everything else will work out in due course.’ As much as I love teaching, coaching, and helping children to succeed, which I now know to be my primary calling in life, I was somewhat irritated by this response. Fortunately, I listened, and continued to plough heart and mind into helping students improve their English, writing, and drama skills. Fast forward to a few months ago, and after editing my new novel, The Apprentice: Redemption, the editor sent me the following message:
‘Wow! You have really grown as a writer. Your writing is so much more descriptive and immersive. I thoroughly enjoyed reading and working on this. Your writing has seriously evolved since your last novel.’
After the initial euphoria that comes with such a compliment, I suddenly recognised the main reason for the improvement in my ability to draw readers into in an altogether different world. It is a result of my teaching it extensively on a weekly basis. In other words, the more I taught and guided children on skills such as descriptive writing and showing as against telling readers what is happening, the more my own skills grew.
But if today, you should ask me who or what I am, my response would be simple – a teacher. That may not have been my immediate answer some time ago.
So, what happened?
Well, for once in my life, I listened to God and trusted him. I trusted in the fact that he loves me with all his heart and wants the very best for me. As a result, I focused my heart and mind on being the best teacher I can be, and always giving my all to the children. Over time, it unearthed my passion – teaching, inspiring, coaching and guiding. In other words, that passion was always there. God knew it was there because he created me; just as he created you and knows exactly what your passion is and what will make you happy.
When God says ‘Remain in Me’ he is telling us to focus on two things.
1. Focus on and remain in the truth of his unconditional love for you.
2. Focus on and remain in what he created you to be.
Worry not about what others are doing or how much money they are making. Focus only on who God has called you to be. He has already given you the necessary skills and attributes. Channel your heart, mind, and soul into being that person. Remain in God’s love for you and who he created you to be, and all other things will fall into place at the right time – his time, which is always the right time.