According to Robert Booth, writing for the Guardian newspaper in February 2019, ‘new research suggests that the number of young people in the UK who say they do not believe life is worth living has doubled in the last decade, amid a sense of overwhelming pressure from social media which is driving feelings of inadequacy.
In 2009, only 9% of 16 -25-year-olds disagreed with the statement that “life is really worth living”, but that has now risen to 18%.’
I really couldn’t agree more.
There are two deadly parasites that are eroding young people’s ability to realise their talents.
- Anxiety
- Lack of confidence and a feeling of inadequacy
And in truth, these two enemies of progress are synonymous with young people. Many adults are also experiencing the same unfortunate phenomena. But the future rests in the hands of the younger generation, so we will of-course be focusing on young people today.
Two of the biggest causes of anxiety are peer pressure and high expectations.
Peer pressure
If I could go back in time there are so many things I would choose not to do, as against delving into them like a headless chicken as a result of peer pressure. Not because those things were good or bad but because they don’t align with who I am. Unfortunately, because I lacked knowledge about my identity – my values, attributes, talents, and nature – I said yes to whatever came my way because everyone else was doing it. The danger of not knowing who you are is that you tend to do what everybody else is doing. And by doing so, you drift further and further away from your true self, thereby losing all semblance of authenticity. It is impossible to be grounded and secure in yourself without authenticity. What chance do you have if you’re one character today and another tomorrow??
One of the most important components of good health and well-being is being true to who you are. Without it, you will always be like that proverbial house on sand. Why? Because you will always be comparing yourself to others- what you do, what you wear, where you live, and what you say, to name just a few. And there’s no better haven for comparing than social media. Next time you spend time on the likes of Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat, I want you to ask yourself this simple question;
‘How am I feeling?’
I hazard a guess that your answer won’t be too positive.
High Expectations
We live in a world in which we are constantly bombarded by news of fame, riches, glamour et al. Not to talk of the pressure of obtaining good results in order to get into a good school/college. Expectations are high whichever direction you look. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself these two questions;
‘Who am I? And what does success mean to me?
The real definition of success is not money, fame, or glory, but living the life you were designed and created to live. In other words, actualising your talents and attributes for the sake of those you serve. The talents and attributes you possess are the solution to so many problems. But first, you need to find out what those talents are. This is something I was created to help you with, so please feel free to contact me should you need some help in this area.
You will not find your talents or true self on Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. This is not to say you shouldn’t spend time on those platforms, but if you desire clarity about who you are and where you’re going, then I strongly suggest you spend less time clouding your mind and judgement with things that really don’t matter.
I conclude with a quote from the same Guardian article.
‘Tanya Frazer, 24, a habitual Instagram and Twitter user until recently, said she would “feel bad” about her own life when looking at posts from friends about holidays, work promotions, new cars or homes. It also made her question her body language.’
“Social media reinforces those feelings of not being good enough, that you’re too fat, and that is toxic,” Frazer said. “Social media doesn’t induce those feelings, but it heightens them.”
If you desire more security, peace of mind, and good health and well-being, the likes of Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat are probably the last platforms you should visit. Rather, the key lies with identifying who you are, what your values are, what your talents are, your specific career path and what success means to you.
Your life is worth living because so many are depending on you realising and actualising your talents. But first you must identify what those talents are, and how best to utilise them.
Itís difficult to find educated people about this topic, but you seem like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks